TME Dealer Finder - Outlet Schema

this schema describes an outlet in the Toyota Motor Europe dealer network

addresses: object[]

A list of addresses associated with this outlet

applications: object

A mapping table of IDs for this outlet in other systems

brands: object[]

The brands this outlet sells

object , x ∈ { Toyota , Lexus }
country: countryCode
dealerProfession: string,null
defaultAddress: address

Easy access to the default address of this outlet

defaultEmail: string,null (email)

Easy access to the default email address of this outlet

defaultPhoneNumber: string,null

Easy access to the default phone number of this outlet

email: emails
language: languageCode
lastModificationDate: string , must match ^[0-3][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]/[1-9][0-9]{3} [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9].[0-9]{3}$

Timestamp of the last modification to this outlet

name: string

Name of the outlet

latinName: string,null

Representation of the name in latin characters

introduction: string,null


registryNumber: string,null

Registry number: This information is often mandatory on official documents and communication on behalf of the dealer.

openDays: object[]
operatingCompany: operatingCompany
operations: operations
outletAfterSales: object

Aftersales specific information

hybridServiceFlag: boolean

Whether this dealer is certified to service hybrid vehicles

onLineBookingFlag: boolean

Whether this dealer participates in the online service booking program, which allows you to reserve service from the website

outletMarketing: object
rsbUrl: string,null

Url to a dealer information page

openingHours: string,null

A plain text description of the opening hours. DEPRECATED! Use the OpenDays attribute if possible

areas: string,null
nmscId: string,null

An id in the local NMSC system. DEPRECATED! Use the externalId attribute if possible

marketingName: string

The marketing name used on the website

phoneNumber: phoneNumbers
primaryOutlet: boolean

Indicates whether this is the primary outlet of the operating company

primaryOutletUuid: string

The reference to the uuid of the primary outlet of this outlet(branch). A way to

region: string,null

The region for which this outlet is responsible in the dealer network

status: string , x ∈ { Open , Closed }

Whether this outlet is currently active or inactive (= not an official outlet)

url: urls
uuid: string

The unique identifier of the outlet. This value should be used to identify a dealer.


address: object

a representation of an address

addressCode: string,null

Unique ID of the address

addressCountry: countryCode
addressLine1: string,null
addressLine2: string,null
authorisedRepairer: boolean
authorisedRetailer: boolean
city: string
defaultAddress: boolean
endDate: string,null

The date on which this party stopped operating at this address

geoLocation: object

Longitude and latitude of the outlet location

lat: string
lon: string
language: languageCode
operations: operations
province: string,null
region: string
startDate: string,null

The date on which the party started operating at this address

status: string , x ∈ { Active , Inactive }
vatRegion: string,null


zip: string

application: object

a representation of a TME application

applicationCode: string
applicationName: string
externalID: string

countryCode: string , x ∈ { AF , AL , DZ , AS , AD , AO , AI , AQ , AG , AR , AM , AW , AU , AT , AZ , BS , BH , BD , BB , BY , BE , BZ , BJ , BM , BT , BO , BQ , BA , BW , BV , BR , IO , BN , BG , BF , BI , KH , CM , CA , CV , KY , CF , TD , CL , CN , CX , CC , CO , KM , CG , CD , CK , CR , HR , CU , CW , CY , CZ , CI , DK , DJ , DM , DO , EC , EG , SV , GQ , ER , EE , ET , FK , FO , FJ , FI , FR , GF , PF , TF , GA , GM , GE , DE , GH , GI , GR , GL , GD , GP , GU , GT , GG , GN , GW , GY , HT , HM , VA , HN , HK , HU , IS , IN , ID , IR , IQ , IE , IM , IL , IT , JM , JP , JE , JO , KZ , KE , KI , KP , KR , KW , KG , LA , LV , LB , LS , LR , LY , LI , LT , LU , MO , MK , MG , MW , MY , MV , ML , MT , MH , MQ , MR , MU , YT , MX , FM , MD , MC , MN , ME , MS , MA , MZ , MM , NA , NR , NP , NL , NC , NZ , NI , NE , NG , NU , NF , MP , NO , OM , PK , PW , PS , PA , PG , PY , PE , PH , PN , PL , PT , PR , QA , RO , RU , RW , RE , BL , SH , KN , LC , MF , PM , VC , WS , SM , ST , SA , SN , RS , SC , SL , SG , SX , SK , SI , SB , SO , ZA , GS , SS , ES , LK , SD , SR , SJ , SZ , SE , CH , SY , TW , TJ , TZ , TH , TL , TG , TK , TO , TT , TN , TR , TM , TC , TV , UG , UA , AE , GB , US , UM , UY , UZ , VU , VE , VN , VG , VI , WF , EH , YE , ZM , ZW , AX }

2 digit country ISO code in upper case

day: string , x ∈ { MON , TUE , WED , THU , FRI , SAT , SUN }

the name of a day


email: string[]

A list of email address.

string (email)

emails: object

The emails associated with this outlet grouped by usage

BodyShop: email
Brochure: email
CallMe: email
CarRental: email
Carwash: email
ContactUs: email
OSB: email
PaintShop: email
PartShop: email
SendToDealer: email
ShowRoom: email
TestDrive: email
ToyotaRentCars: email
UsedCars: email
Workshop: email

languageCode: string,null , x ∈ { ab , aa , af , sq , am , ar , an , hy , as , ay , az , ba , eu , bn , dz , bh , bi , br , bg , my , be , km , ca , zh , co , hr , cs , da , nl , en , eo , et , fo , fa , fj , fi , fr , fy , gl , gd , gv , ka , de , el , kl , gn , gu , ht , ha , he , iw , hi , hu , is , io , id , in , ia , ie , iu , ik , ga , it , ja , jv , kn , ks , kk , rw , ky , rn , ko , ku , lo , la , lv , li , ln , lt , mk , mg , ms , ml , mt , mi , mr , mo , mn , na , ne , no , oc , or , om , ps , pl , pt , pa , qu , rm , ro , ru , sm , sg , sa , sr , sh , st , tn , sn , ii , sd , si , ss , sk , sl , so , es , su , sw , sv , tl , tg , ta , tt , te , th , bo , ti , to , ts , tr , tk , tw , ug , uk , ur , uz , vi , vo , wa , cy , wo , xh , yi , ji , yo , zu , [object Object] }

2 digit language iso code in lower case

nmsc: object

Information about the NMSC, mainly mapping codes

nmscCode: string
npaCode: string

openDay: object

a range of days on which a certain opening hour is valid

endDay: day

The final day on which the range of opening hours is valid

startDay: day

The first day on which the range of opening hours is valid

operation: operation

The operation this set of opening hours applied to

validFrom: string , must match ^[0-3][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]/[1-9][0-9]{3}$

The date in DD/MM/YYYY on which these opening hours became valid

validTo: string , must match ^[0-3][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]/[1-9][0-9]{3}$

The date in DD/MM/YYYY until which these opening hours are valid

openingHours: object[]
openFrom: time

Start hour of the opening time

openTo: time

End hour of the opening time

operatingCompany: object

a representation of an operating company

addresses: object[]

A list of addresses associated with this operating company

applications: object

A mapping table of IDs for this operating company in other systems

brands: object[]

The brands this outlet sells

object , x ∈ { Toyota , Lexus }

Easy access to the default address of this outlet

name: string
nmsc: nmsc

Information about the NMSC associated with this operating company

nmscCode: string

DEPRECATED! Use the nmsc.nmscCode attribute instead.

primaryOutletUuids: string[]

A list of UUIDs of the primary outlets for this operating company

string (uuid)
registryNumber: string,null

Registry number: This information is often mandatory on official documents and communication on behalf of the dealer.

status: string , x ∈ { Open , Closed }

Whether this outlet is currently active or inactive (= not an official outlet)

taxOffice: string,null


uuid: string

The unique identifier of this operating company. Use this to reference.

vat: string,null


operation: string , x ∈ { BodyShop , BusinessCenter , Carwash , CommercialVehicleCenter , DealerTool , FastFit , ISO4001 , ISO9001 , MiraiDealer , MotabilityAffiliated , OnlineRetailing , OnlineServiceBooking , PaintShop , PartsShop , PriusDealer , PriusPlug-InCharging , RapidResponseEnabled , ShowRoom , TestDrive , TopCar , ToyotaGazooRacing , ToyotaRentCars , TradeInAppraisal , TSMCertification , UsedCars , WorkShop , YarisGRMN }

a representation of an operation


operations: object[]

a list of operations

"['BodyShop', 'ShowRoom']"

phoneNumber: string[]

A list of phone numbers

"[+32 3 456 78 98]"

phoneNumbers: object

The phone numbers associated with this outlet grouped by usage

BodyShop: phoneNumber
Brochure: phoneNumber
Carwash: phoneNumber
ContactUs: phoneNumber
Fax1: phoneNumber
Fax2: phoneNumber
International Number: phoneNumber
Mobile: phoneNumber
OSB: phoneNumber
PaintShop: phoneNumber
PartShop: phoneNumber
SendToDealer: phoneNumber
ShowRoom: phoneNumber
TestDrive: phoneNumber
ToyotaRentCars: phoneNumber
UsedCars: phoneNumber
Workshop: phoneNumber

time: string , x ∈ { 12 AM , 12:30 AM , 1 AM , 1:30 AM , 2 AM , 2:30 AM , 3 AM , 3:30 AM , 4 AM , 4:30 AM , 5 AM , 5:30 AM , 6 AM , 6:30 AM , 7 AM , 7:30 AM , 8 AM , 8:30 AM , 9 AM , 9:30 AM , 10 AM , 10:30 AM , 11 AM , 11:30 AM , 12 PM , 12:30 PM , 1 PM , 1:30 PM , 2 PM , 2:30 PM , 3 PM , 3:30 PM , 4 PM , 4:30 PM , 5 PM , 5:30 PM , 6 PM , 6:30 PM , 7 PM , 7:30 PM , 8 PM , 8:30 PM , 9 PM , 9:30 PM , 10 PM , 10:30 PM , 11 PM , 11:30 PM , 6:15 AM , 6:45 AM , 7:15 AM , 7:45 AM , 8:15 AM , 8:45 AM , 9:15 AM , 9:45 AM , 10:15 AM , 10:45 AM , 11:15 AM , 11:45 AM , 12:15 PM , 12:45 PM , 1:15 PM , 1:45 PM , 2:15 PM , 2:45 PM , 3:15 PM , 3:45 PM , 4:15 PM , 4:45 PM , 5:15 PM , 5:45 PM , 6:15 PM , 6:45 PM , 7:15 PM , 7:45 PM , 8:15 PM , 8:45 PM }

a acceptable opening hour start or stop time

"8:30 AM"

url: string[]

A list of urls

string (uri)

urls: object

The urls associated with this outlet grouped by usage

BusinessCardURL: url
RouteURL: url
ShortURL: url
UsedCarsURL: url
WebsiteURL: url